FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should I buy the ALERT inhaler or the CALM inhaler?

    The decision will be based entirely on what it is you need support with. If you are looking for focus, alertness, better attention, grounding or clearing then ALERT is your olfactory partner.

    If you require calmness, centering, ease, tranquillity, or peace then CALM is the inhaler for you.

  • How long do the effects last?

    It is an instant effect which lasts varying lengths depending on your own circumstances. The scent molecules in the aroma blends travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional centre of the brain.

  • Are the ingredients safe to inhale?

    Essential oils are a natural substance that, when inhaled, can benefit wellbeing. However it is vital that you use essential oils safely. To ensure the right amount of essential oils are used we have pre-soaked the inhaler wick with a specific measured amount of our special blends.

    Essential oils are powerful. When they’re inhaled in small doses for brief periods, most are generally considered safe. If you inhale them in high doses or for long periods, you may experience dizziness, a headache, and nausea.

  • How do you use an olfactory inhaler?

    Place inhaler at base of one nostril while blocking the other. Inhale deeply for up to two seconds, hold for two seconds, then breathe out slowly. Repeat on the other side.

  • What is olfactory wellness?

    Olfactory wellness refers to the concept of using scents and aromas to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. It is a holistic approach to health and wellness that acknowledges the powerful influence of our sense of smell on our overall state of mind and body. This is not a new phenomenon, but one that has been utilised throughout history in many cultures.

  • How soon after using an inhaler will I notice the effects?

    It is an instant effect. The scent molecules in the aroma blends travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional centre of the brain.

  • Will this help me stop vaping?

    Nasal inhalation techniques, such as using inhalers or aromatherapy, may offer some support for individuals trying to quit vaping, but they are not a guaranteed solution and should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to quitting nicotine addiction.

  • How do I use the refill?

    Available from December 2023, refills are designed to be used to replace the cotton wick inside the inhaler. Each cotton wick will last between 6-12 months depending on frequency of use. To replace the cotton wick, unscrew the top of the internal inhaler casing, remove and dispose of the old cotton wick, insert the refill, and screw the inhaler closed.

    We recommend that the same INXHALE variety is replaced - eg. replace ALERT with ALERT and CALM with CALM.

  • What are the inhalers made out of?

    Sourced from a sustainable supply through our partners Apaul, the INXHALE inhalers are made from rubberwood - a tropical hardwood which is grown and harvested in a sustainable manner. The casing within the inhaler is made from recycled plastic.

  • Can I use ALERT to stay awake longer?

    Alertness can be influenced by various factors, including sleep quality, physical activity, diet, and overall health. While essential oils are not a substitute for healthy habits, they can be used to help boost alertness and focus temporarily.

    Keep in mind that the effects of essential oils on alertness can vary from person to person, and they are typically temporary. They may provide a short-term boost in energy and mental clarity, but they are not a substitute for healthy sleep or other lifestyle factors that contribute to sustained alertness.

    If you find that you're struggling with alertness on a regular basis, it's essential to address underlying factors such as sleep deprivation, stress, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have persistent issues with alertness or fatigue.